Monday, June 28, 2010

More Promo Items to Promote your Brand at the Pool

On Friday, Jaime discussed the fact that custom flip flops are some of the most popular promo items this summer and as I sat at the pool this weekend I couldn't help but notice the amount of custom flip flops and other summer promo items that surrounded me. In addition to flip flops, custom caps and custom sunglasses with bright neon arms are popular products. Hats and sunglasses are not only stylish choices, but they are also incredibly practical as they shield wearers from some of the sun’s harmful rays. I also noticed that almost everyone had a promotional koozie to keep their drink cold as they lay out under the hot sun!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Latest Promo Items for Summer – Custom Flip Flops

Custom flip flops are bound to be one of the most popular products this summer in the promo items industry! Give them to your employees to wear on casual Fridays or distribute them to attendees at trade shows or other events. There are some really unique styles available too like those that can be customized with your logo on the soles to leave imprints in the sand and even those that feature a custom die-cut on the strap so the wearer can have your logo appear as a tan on their foot. There are tons more options for these promo items so you can create the perfect product for your brand.

Monday, June 14, 2010

U.S. Census Bureau uses promo items (and so can you!)

The United State government is using promo items to increase the response rate for the 2010 Census, according to a May 2010 press release by the Advertising Specialty Institute. Already, 72% of American households have returned their forms and using promo items as a reminder will save the government money, while also teaching businesses an important lesson. Companies in all industries should take note that small, lightweight products such as magnets or the new flexible vase make great additions to direct mail pieces while logo apparel and other wearables can enhance brand loyalty by keeping the distributors’ organization top of mind.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Promo Items for Summer Festivals

I think most people who live in the Atlanta area agree that the best part about summer here is the plethora of diverse festivals that occur every weekend and the promo items giveaways that go along with them. This weekend was Summerfest, a festival in the Virginia Highlands neighborhood complete with art, food and live music to celebrate the official start of the summer season. My favorite promo items at Summerfest this year were the paper and wooden fans that Dave FM was giving away. These functional products helped the thousands of attendees stay cool in the hot weather while promoting the local radio station.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Promo Items to Encourage Health and Well-being

This morning, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on one more reason to give promo items that encourage people to get outside and move around in the nice weather. The logic- according to Dr. Robert Gerszten of Massachusetts General Hospital- is that "ten minutes of exercise has at least an hour of effects on your body." This new finding could lead to increased health benefits for those who choose to be more active. Organizations can encourage the health and well-being of their employees by distributing promo items such as jump ropes and pedometers that promote movement. Recipients will also appreciate other branded items, such as MP3 players or water bottles, that they can take on a short run, bike ride or to the gym.